Posted tagged ‘Reading’

Phillip Jackson Questions

February 26, 2013

Phillip Jackson Questions

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The MIMS Institute asks students these questions and:
What was the last good book that you read, and
What good book are you reading now?

Call Me MISTER Program

June 14, 2012
Dr. Speight, Greetings!
 Call Me MISTER Program Guidelines
Thank you for sending the attached Call Me MISTER Program Guidelines and Requirements for Participation at South Carolina State University.  The details provided in the two-pager are quite thorough. Emails that I have seen  circulating in previous years over the Internet  about the Call Me MISTER program provide less accurate information.  My hope is that some local community leaders embrace the challenge of preparing black males in secondary schools to be able to access—and successfully complete—this critical and rigorous teacher training  program at SCSU or other institutions.
In His Service,

Why We Promote Academic Excellence

October 20, 2010

Ashley knows how to fuel my passion for promoting academic excellence in urban ZIP codes.  She got up early on a Saturday morning and joined others from King High School’s Student Government Association at Temple Terrace Elementary School.  The pictures she sent me include one in which she and a young student are reading.  Another picture shows a black male reading with a younger student.


“Gee, Jason, they are just pictures!” 

 No, they are REALITY!!! (more…)

ZIP Codes and School Grades

August 14, 2010

Ms. Pastor, Greetings!

Ref:  FCAT grades show geographic disparities across Bay area

This article and map get us a little closer to the graphic I have been asking for all century.  “How are the students in targeted urban ZIP Codes doing relative to students in other ZIP Codes?”  The leadership of the school district could design an interactive graphic for the School District of Hillsborough County’s website to provide information related to this question. Some ZIP Codes might have less than 30 percent of its 3rd– and 8th-graders reading at or above grade level, i.e., Level 3 or higher reading scores on the FCAT.  The focus on school-level data—even when there is a geographic link to the ZIP Code—suggests that an urban ZIP Code’s 8th-graders have at least average reading skills.  A ZIP Code graphic showing percentages of black 8th-graders reading at or above grade levels might ignite community efforts to “Empower Effective Students.”

In His Service,


Read Good Books

June 10, 2010

“The man (or woman) who does not read good books has no advantage over the man (or woman) who cannot read them.” Mark Twain

Jay IV promotes higher academic achievement (even before age 1)! cites some studies indicating that my first honorary grandson, Jesse Givens IV, sitting in mom’s lap, is gaining an advantage over students who either did not get the memo—or who choose to spend their summer pursuing other activities. If one is to embrace the findings discussed, “a small investment in books for poor children might pay off.”

Exactly how many pictures of children and young people reading will we snap this summer?

DaSean is making use of "already existing opportunities" to prepare for school success

Joseph Browne (2005 Ron Brown Scholar) reads "I have risen"

"If only this became the norm for summer fun!"

Chris reads "Learning to Dream With Your Eyes Open" by Melanie Geddes